So a lot of you guys want to shoot amazing cinematic videos from your smartphone i'll be showing you guys from A - Z in how you can create amazing cinematic videos I'll be giving you guys 5 helpful tips. First two points will be basic ones and the last three will be professional level So, make sure to read the topic and you are going to create amazing cinematic videos 

STEP 1 : using MAX Settings now, if you are going to create cinematic video then obviously you are going to edit them in the post production So, if you capture your videos in a high quality then after editing & amp; rendering there will be no quality loss. Now in my Redmi K20 pro I have options to capture the videos in 4K 60 FPS so if you want to use any kind of smartphones then firstly make sure to put the camera settings in the highest available option. 

STEP 2: using slides Now there are two types of slides, one is horizontal and the other one is vertical. now you have to keep in mind whenever you want to capture cinematic videos, So, you have to use slides yo make an engagement to your video and to the audience. So to do this thing you have to simply hold you phone in a steady way after that, in which direction you want to pan it just move your device with the flow, if you can capture videos like this then obviously you are going to create amazing look wise and visually appealing videos. 

STEP. 3 is following motion and put together similar and meaningful type of videos. I personally saw a lot of people, that to create cinematic videos they just put the black bars. And they just paste random clips one after another but that is not a cinematic video and does not make any sense and that does not even make any meaningful thing also. So, you have to keep in mind that, the footage before it and the next to it should have resemblance to a garden or a flower not that like you are capturing a flower and in the next clip you are showing a dog. so that's not going to make any sens and not going to add any visual representation to your video so whenever you are capturing a cinematic video you have to put your heart and soul entirely focus on that video. and at the end when you will be re checking your footage's So, you are going to create amazing cinematic videos. 

Step 4 is less transition, more direction. now if you have watched the film makers so you are going to know that they use a lot of transitions but that does not mean they are creating a cinematic video if you are capturing a lot of footage's and while editing you put a lot of random transitions. So, that's not a cinematic video. what you have to do is , in every particular shot. you have to keep a record of your moving direction. means, if you are going from left to right or from up to down. you have to capture subsequent footage within the same motion. Think that you have captured a footage from left to right so you have to capture the next footage from left to right also. So at the end when you start editing the clips then that's going to give you a grate sequence. So, you have to focus on that thing Less transition, more direction! 

Step 5 is color grade and color correct. No if you don't know what are these things. then you don't need to worry you can find a lot of videos about these topic so search for them, and after watching them I bet that you are going to learn all these things. So if you don't know about these then let me tell you color correct is a part by which we match the color tones of the footage's according to it's actual color. And in color grade we tone the footage's in order to give them a particular mood according to it's vibe so these two thing are quite debatable and a lot of people does not know the difference and after correcting and grading, it's looking amazing and natural. and that's going to make your footage more like a cinematic one. and after performing these two things when you put the black bars then on that point you will be having a cinematic footage. And if you follow all the 5 steps I bet that you are going to make amazing cinematic video.

Redmi K20 Pro